Thursday 30 November 2017

¨I am¨ poem

I am an excellent mountain biker

I wonder if immortality will ever happen to humans

I see birds chirping in the flourishing trees

I see people strolling past

I want an excellent life

I am an excellent mountain biker

Stanza 2
I pretend to meet mythical creatures

I feel happy when i get to ride with my dad

I touch the rough bark on the redwood tree

I worry about crashing into trees

I cry when i crash hard on the scorching ground

I am an excellent mountain biker

Stanza 3
I understand that going too fast can make you crash

I say that having fun is the most important rule

I dream of being a world famous mountain biker

I try to get better and better at mountain biking

I hope i never crash on a whole track at wood hill park

I am an excellent mountain biker

Wednesday 22 November 2017

This is a Godzillian
Godzillians group on godzilliana in Groovy gallery’s.
Godzillian’s gorge grape tasting gingerbread
Godzillian’s grip grotty gong’s while gargling granny’s
Godzillian’s green goo projectile made a gory sight
Godzillian’s green goo got in my eye’s and i died :(

By Madai

Monday 23 October 2017


Stranded, literally stuck in the middle of nowhere, not knowing why, BUT IT'S NOT REAL?!?! That's a video game, specifically stranded deep, and this story is about a named Jacob who can’t stop playing video.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Kopuwai and the clever girl

  1. Kiamio was hunting for moa nests and eggs.
  2. She drifted from her hunting party.
  3. The two headed dogs of kopuwai took kiamio.
  4. Kiamio became kopuwai’s mokai.
  5. Kopuwai had tied a long piece of taura around her ankle so she wouldn’t escape.
  6. She almost fell into the river and grabbed a young sapling.
  7. She built a raft from the raupo that grew by the river.
  8. She tied the rope around a sapling and escaped.
  9. Her whanau planned revenge on kopuwai when kiamio got back.
  10. Her whanau burnt kopuwai and his dogs though only few dogs escaped.

Kopuwai and his dogs
Screenshot 2017-08-31 at 12.16.45 PM.png

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Mountain biking AT HUNUA CAMP

Ok we were lining up tallest to shortest… and guess what I WAS THE SHORTEST and then we started. When we did the small track I pedalled so hard that i used most of my energy right their!

The reason I was pedalling so hard is cause I saw the biggest,HOLE,EVER! I  was so ready for this jump that I didn’t think twice,and then….. It happened,I WAS SO HIGH!!! All I could hear was the birds chirping,the river flowing and people talking,about 5 seconds later I WAS STILL IN THE AIR!!!i was so scared!!! a second later it happens,BAM,I land and i was screaming in happiness but also fear. I was also sweating hardcore. Though i was so tired I could barely ride any more I was very happy to be that high.well that was my camp experience *drops the microphone* .

BY Madai

Tuesday 11 April 2017



Classroom goals

Number 1
I would like to improve my six times table’s
I will achieve this goal by laminating my six times tables and sticking them to my ipads back cause i'm always on it or do the same thing but on the back of my showers wall.
Number 2
I would like to improve how much i'm talking
I will achieve this goal by sitting alone with no one around me or ignore the people that want to talk to me ooorrr don't join in the big chat.
Number 3
Use my punctuation correctly.
I will achieve this goal by writing slower while i'm writing

Outdoor goals

Number 1
To look where i'm going more
I will do this by running slower or not looking back as much ooorrr when i look back i slow down
Number 2
To let more people play the games me and my friends are playing.
I will achieve this goal by playing games that include a lot of people.


Tuesday 7 March 2017

HELLLLOOOO EVERYONE every beautiful one of you and welcome to my uhhh speech? I don't actually know what to call this so yeah let's get on with it.yeah yeah how bow dah! So I really want to talk about science so here we go Mario! (I'm kinda non stop talking) SCIENCE IS SO AMAZING we got to mix raro and Sprite (it was pretty turned orange and fizzed...thought was gonna explode) WELL we also got to learn the three (common) states of matter SOLIDS...LIQUIDS AND GASES YAY WOO HOO!! Well not everyone knows this but there's actually 2 OTHER STATES OF MATTER they Are P- wait ok I will PLASMA WHICH CAN BE AS HOT AS THE SUN (every time I say a fact take a sip of mountain dew) AND BOSE-
EINSTEIN COMPENSATE WHICH IS SO COLD IT'S TEMPERATURE IS ABSOLUTE ZERO WHICH IS AS COLD AS YOU CAN EVER GET (fact one and two right there).     So well that's all folks i guess bye bye :D
